5 Reasons to Take a River Cruise in the Fall or Winter.
Weather –Have you ever experience Europe in the summer? It is hot and crowded with people. Did I say how hot and crowded it is in the summer? I went to Europe once in the summer when I was very young and in excellent health. It was still miserable. Did I have fun? Yes, because no matter where I travel I try not to sweat the small stuff. But I also choose not to go to Europe in the summer when you can have weather that is so much more tolerable in the fall, spring or winter.
Food & Wine– River cruises have some amazing food and wines. The ingredients for most meals are locally sourced. You not only get a delicious meal but it is also healthy. No GMO’s. There are a number of wined themed cruises this time of year. Imagine tasting local wines from various regions right on your ship. You also have the privilege of having a wine expert who will discuss the wines and what makes them unique. The expert is generally from a winery in the U.S. but they will discuss their wines and local wines. You have the opportunity to taste new wines at no additional cost. Some ships have a wine pairing room that you can make a reservation for at no additional cost. How cool is that?
Culture – Get up close and personal with locals in the region. We had the opportunity to visit a local pub and enjoy our own mini concert. Of course, culture is a combination of food, wine, arts, and music. Since river cruise ships are small you can get into small towns that you would not be able to with a big cruise ship, and it would also be difficult by land because they towns and villages are along the river and maybe a hike from the heart of a big city where most likely you would be staying if traveling via land.
Christmas Markets – Imagine going to a beautiful city decorated with amazing Christmas decorations and smelling all the wonderful scents of Christmas. The smell of nutmeg, cinnamon, and delicious hot chocolate will surely get you in the mood for Christmas. There is the opportunity to bring back amazing Christmas ornaments and so many other wonderful gifts that represent the Christmas Market.
No confinement- This seems to be a major concern for some people. When you cruise you are in a different port every day. You always see land. It is a river, not an ocean. Every day you get to enjoy a new destination by land. If you are going in the early fall you can bike, or hike. Some river cruises provide bicycles at no extra cost. You can choose to travel with the group or go off on your own. It really is very flexible.
Break up the fall/winter season – River cruising is a great way to break up the fall/winter season. Oh and did I mention if you are truly against cold venues they also go to Asia and Africa. On most ships, they are all-inclusive, but some ships are more inclusive than others. All ships will give you a basic excursion every day and all meals are included. Some of the more premium and luxury cruises will offer more. River cruising today is offering, wellness, golf, religious excursions, food and wine and so much more. You can also unpack and pack once. Who doesn’t love that idea?
If you are interested in booking a river cruise this winter you may still have a chance but inventory is tight. If you can’t make it this winter and can survive the fall/winter seasons consider a river cruise for the spring of next year. This is a great time to plan a river cruise for the spring. Click here to schedule 20 minutes with Marina to discuss your next pampered journey, or contact Marina at 843-400-4434.