Welcome to Pampered Journeys Blog
At Pampered Journeys, we help bring your celebration or special interest to life through travel. We hope our blog will encourage you to see the possibilities and think outside the box for your next celebration or special interest through travel.

How to Have the Best River Cruise Experience
All river cruising experiences are not the same. You have heard over and over how great it is to experience a river cruise. River cruising is an amazing way to see beautiful...

Why a Spa Visit May Be For You!
A spa vacation may be for you if you need time out from the many distractions we have in life There are many reasons why someone would want to visit a spa. Sometimes we need to...

My Favorite Destination For Food/Wine and Art Lovers
If you love food, wine and art Bordeaux is the perfect destination to explore. Bordeaux is a beautiful city flanked with a fantastic coastline. It was built on the banks of the Garonne River. The city is one of …

5 Ways To Gear Up For The Holidays
Here are few tips before taking off for the holidays 1). Check your passport dating. Make sure you have at least 6 months dating after you return. FYI… Always keep your passport...

A River Cruise May Be A Great Way To Embrace The Short Days of Fall and Winter
5 Reasons to Take a River Cruise in the Fall or Winter. Weather –Have you ever experience Europe in the summer? It is hot and crowded with people. Did I say how hot and crowded...

3 Ways To Have A Great Food & Wine Experience
A large part of any cultural experience is the food and for some that includes the wine as well. There are many travel experiences focused on food & wine. It is a huge...

Could You Use An Easy Button To Plan Your Travel?
Wouldn’t It Be Great To Have A Travel Advisor As An Easy Button To Plan Your Travel? Are you overwhelmed with all the choices we have in life? Wouldn’t it be great to have an...

8 Ideas To Help You Not Throw Away Your Vacation Dollars
Have you gone online and read reviews from other people and thought because they had a great time at a destination you will too. Or maybe a close friend recommended a...

7 Great Things To Do When You Escape To Key West
Key West Is A Great Place For A Short Escape This summer I had the opportunity to escape for a few days to Key West with my daughter. Pampered Journeys is all about creating...

Is Your Travel Insurance Umbrella Covering What You Think?
5 Reasons To Re-Think Your Reluctance To Purchase Travel Insurance. No one really wants to purchase travel insurance. Most people feel their money is wasted because nothing...